Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kagome Ecchi: take 3 uncensored

Okay this one has me really pissed! After the original Kagome Ecchi picture got removed for "content" I edited the costume and posted another, When that got pulled I read that it might have been for traceing the pose and not giveing the propper credit to the reference image so I drew a new image and posted that, however, all of five minuedts ago I found the DA admins pulled that as well, so this I desided to post this version which I drew to make suere I had the figure right, and post it with a loud: FUCK YOU DEVA. ART ADMINISTRATORS!!!

Kasumi and Satoshi: Summer Fantisy

Another immage the DeviantART administators pulled from my acount. Kasumi (Misty) and Satoshi (Ash) on vacation to a tropical island enjoying the beach, the weather, and being young ADULTS.
It took me all of three days to finish and I had to practialy re-color the sky and the watter in the finnishing stage. Which is why I'm not letting this, or any of the other picks they pulled, stay in the DA trash bin! ;P

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lydia: Hosticar to the Thane of whiterun

I do not own Lydia or the Elderscroles: Skyrim game (well I do owan a coppy of the game but not the franchise) this is a refrence to give Inspector97 on DeviantART  an idea of what I am segesting. Admitedly this snapshot crudly taken with my laptop doesn't do the game credit but as I have faild to finde an image on the net this will have to do.